Product detail page
Get started with RechargeWhat is a product detail page (PDP)?
A product detail page (PDP) on an ecommerce website is a web page that showcases information about a specific product to empower prospective customers to make a purchase. Ecommerce product detail pages can include product images, key features, product details such as dimensions or sizing, product descriptions, product reviews, product videos, shipping costs, and any other relevant information customers may desire prior to purchasing. This page category is crucial to the buying process when shopping online, as it helps customers decide whether or not to purchase specific products.
What makes a great ecommerce product detail page?
The most effective ecommerce product pages clearly show the value proposition of the product for consumers. An online store can achieve this with a combination of a descriptive product title, accurate product images, and product details woven throughout the page that clearly set customer expectations in terms of product attributes and pricing. For example, unexpected shipping costs can negatively impact customer satisfaction, so including shipping details directly on the product detail page can properly set customer expectations prior to the purchase. It can also be beneficial for ecommerce sites to leverage social proof on a product page to instill trust in the brand for potential customers.
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